Why I'm In The Lubrication Business? Question Answered
The reason I am sending this to you is to answer a few questions that I get often but I don't really like to share the answer for the risk of sounding arrogant or being a self-promoter.
Working with my marketing team this last week and sorting through the sales data from last year, by the way, thanks to you we've had a record year, this reoccurring question keeps coming up.
How did I decide to get into the lubrication business?
I spent most of my life looking for opportunities and coming up with solutions that I could monetize. In my early 30's I found that I was pretty good at researching what was the next cool thing.
My clients were companies that you may have heard of, Kohler, Jacuzzi, Lasco, Watkins, MasterCraft, Nautique, and many other companies. If you take a look at my LinkedIn account you will see over the years I've created several innovative patents.
The most fun I had was working with the SuperYacht crowd. After owning a 52' Boat in San Diego I found some things that the marine industry was missing, so I started a company called Clean Marine Systems to provide new solutions to some very old problems.
Talk about amazing, these MotorYachts many of which cost over $250 million and more were so much fun to work on. These had massive power plants and the entire engine room was cleaner than most kitchens. Bright, shiny, and really really loud when underway. Very cool.
I created an electronic control system that could report how much raw water, that's water that is pumped from the bottom of the boat, through the cooling system. This was the first time anyone could accurately determine the condition of the cooling system and when it would need to be serviced.
Whenever I created a new product I would be asked why the big boys in the business that had big engineering and research teams haven't solved the problem. After all, they have millions and sometimes billions of dollars they are spending on R&D.
The truth is, they are digging in the same holes for answers that they've been using for decades. Solutions to problems are often found by looking at the problems with fresh eyes and being willing to improve on the old standby products that have been making a lot of money. Ego and the related risks involved in product development keep most of these large companies from looking outside the original hole they've dug.
That's where I come in.
About 8 years ago I was working on a project with a large international fuel additive company to develop an electronic fuel additive controller for large commercial trucks. This controller would automatically see that a refueling event was happening and when the driver finished refueling the system, it would add the exact amount of fuel additive into each fuel tank, and then report that to the main trucking location via a cell phone card that was built into the system.
Over a period of about two years, we finished the controller and were working with several different brands of fuel additives. Some of these brands made outrageous claims and others performed pretty well.
I got curious and decided to do a deep dive into the chemistry that was available at the time. It turned out that in most cases the chemistry was very old school and significant improvements could be made. I also found that many of the name brands of lubricants you see on the shelf at your local auto parts store haven't changed for decades even though new proven technology existed now.
I was curious about this and discovered that when big companies are making millions year after year using the same old school chemistry, they are not motivated to make a change.
After a few years of trying other products and different blenders, the big chemical suppliers that blend finished oils and other chemicals for the oil industry, I found an amazing Tribologist - chemist, that was following new components that can significantly improve lubrication for the new very low viscosity oils for new cars. We tested and followed other quality chemical journals such as the WEAR on-line magazine, which reported on Diamond Nano-Lubricants over several years.
The reports and 3rd party test labs revealed the amazing results of higher temperature rating and much stronger boundary layer protection that is provided by this newer formula. This formula certainly works for new low viscosity oils but turned out that it also works extraordinarily well with older classic cars, race motors, and everything else we tested
This is what has been in our product for over a year now and you can see below some of the 5-star ratings from Trucking companies, race car owners, off-road enthusiasts, classic car, and exotic car owners.
The most important thing to me is You
We have a great product but still, my focus is to make sure all my customers are very very happy with the product and services we provide. We will always do what's best for you, even if that means it costs me money to do so.
Take a look at the real current reviews that we get everyday.